A Happy Excursion

类别:文学名著 作者:林语堂 本章:A Happy Excursion

    In t knos back is I do not kno flies, its he sky like clouds.

    o start for tial Lake. And in t ten for a space of tself mounts upon a great o a  of ninety t of six montion.

    ting aloft, te mists of spring, t-clouds, and t  of distance  end, and sa to it.

    If t sufficient depter  float large s a cupful into a ard-seed . try to float t o tion beter and vessel.

    So  sufficient a dept cannot support large y to bear it up. tacles in t starts upon its journey to th.

    A cicada and a young dove laug;Nois as muco get from tree to tree. And sometimes I do not reac fall to t ty to start for t;

    o tryside taking tomacarted. But ravels a  take ground rice enoug stay. And ravels a t supply tle creatures, w shey know?

    Small kno kno year ell t t of a morning kno ternation of day and nig ternation of spring and autumn. t years. But in tree) ree , Peng tsu {1} is knoill, alas! an object of envy to all!

    It  t tang {2} spoke to C;At ta, tial Lake. In it t  is called t tai, and  soars up upon a y t. And t directs its fligohern Ocean.

    quot;And a lake sparro creature be going to do? I rise but a fetle doer flying around among t is as muc to fly. Noo?quot; Suc.

    take, for instance, a man ain prince.  lake sparro suctered  be affected t inguisies, and understand rue ion. But even  established himself.

    Noals se could dispense ill o depend upon something. {4}

    As for one ernal fitness of s as eam to roam te, upon o depend? t is said, quot;t man ignores self; t; true Sage ignores reputation.quot;

    to abdicate in favor of ;If,  difficult for tter to sill continue to er t be a e of labor? No, t I am filling to offer you t;

    quot;You are ruling t; replied ;ake your place? S ty, and srouble myself about tit, building its nest in ty forest, occupies but a single ts t from t drinks enougo fill its belly. I o prepare tative of t and t step over ts and do it for ;

    Co Lien S;I alk on s endlessly. I ly startled at  te detac;

    quot; ?quot; asked Lien Shu.

    quot;; replied C;t on tain te like ice or sno lives on air and des of tal regions.  gravitates, ion from all t is  believe it.quot;

    quot;ell,quot; ans ask a blind mans opinion of beautiful designs, nor do you invite a deaf man to a concert. And blindness and deafness are not per fills all creation. Yet because a paltry generation cries for reform, you ails of an empire!

    quot;Objective existences cannot  be droains  of  and siftings you mig;

    A man of tate carried some ceremonial caps to tribes for sale. But to cut off t t things.

    tire country. After  to tain,  on urn to al at Fenyang t ted for him no more.

    se {7} said to Cse, quot;ted it, and it bore a fruit as big as a five bus ; and  it in oo flat for sucainly it  up.quot;

    quot;It  kno; replied Cse. quot;tions. A stranger  tranger .

    quot;tranger got t and ervieate rouble, and t a general to figtle  ter. tter otally defeated, and tranger erritory. to cure cs applications .  secured a title; the people remained silk-washers.

    quot;Noo your five-bus make a float of it, and float about over river and lake? And you complain of its being too flat for uffy inside.quot;

    se said to Cse, quot;I ree, called ts trunk is so irregular and knotty t it cannot be measured out for planks; ed t t be cut out into discs or squares. It stands by t no carpenter  it. Your  tree -- big and useless, of no concern to t;

    quot;,quot; rejoined Cse, quot;crouc for its prey? Rig and  springs about, until it gets caugrap or dies in a snare. On ts great  is big enoug it cannot catcree and are at a loss o do ,  it in t er idly by its side, and lie dos s o ot could s mind?quot;

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