On Levelling All Things

类别:文学名著 作者:林语堂 本章:On Levelling All Things

    tsec leaning on a loable. Gazing up to  his mind.

    Yencseyu,  t your body s-out cinders? Surely table is not  no;

    quot;My friend,quot; replied tsec;your question is apposite. today I  my Self.... Do you understand? ... Per t of Eart ;

    quot;Pray explain,quot; said tseyu.

    quot;t; continued tsec;is called  times, it is inactive. But o its blast. ened to its deafening roar?

    quot;Caves and dells of , rees of many a span in girtrils, and some like mouts, goblets, mortars, or like pools and puddles. And torrents or singing arrorilling,  and ec il tempest is past and silence reigns supreme. nessed rees and objects s and t;

    quot;ell, t; enquired tseyu, quot;since ts of ures, and tes, of s t;

    quot;t of tures,quot; replied tsec;is not uniform, but to ties.  t agitates ts?

    quot;Great ty entious. Great speecankerous.

    quot;For ruggling e circumstances. Some are easy-going and leisurely, some are deep and cunning, and some are secretive. Noy fears, no terror. Noo be ter of rig stays beo an oato o  umn and ers bligs oions, it keeps on running its course, never to return. Finally,  and imprisoned, it is c see light again {8}.

    quot;Joy and anger, sorrourns,  ternate   tell heir very Cause?

    quot;But for tions I s be. Yet but for me, to feel t  kno  to its existence is ing. t it functions is credible enoug see its form. Per y  outward form.

    quot;take ts ernal cavities and six internal organs, all complete.  of it s? Do you not cs of someone else? Since servants cannot govern ter and servants by turn? Surely trols them all.

    quot;But ain rue nature of t matters but little to tself. For once coming into terial s runs its course until it is exed. to be ear of life, and to be driven along  possibility of arresting ones course, -- is not tiful indeed? to labor  ceasing all life, and t living to enjoy t,  o depart, one kno  cause for grief?quot;

    quot;Men say to . Is t a great cause for sorro to see t I alone ;

    Noo be guided by our prejudices, o make comparisons of rigo follos according to  to form judgments of rig first  all is like saying, quot;I left for Yu:eoday, and got terday.quot; Or, it is like assuming somet exist to exist. t exist to exist could not be fathe divine Yu:; how much less could we?

    For speec mere blo is intended to say some t it is intended to say cannot yet be determined. Is t? Can , distinguis from the chirping of young birds?

    ao be obscured so t tinction of true and false?  tinction of rigao not to exist?   be proved? tao is obscured by our inadequate understanding, and sean {11} sc t t t to confusion.

    t t t.  cannot be seen by es from t; t also derives from terdependence of t (relativity of standards).

    Neverty arises from impossibility, and vice versa. Affirmation is based upon denial, and vice versa. rue sage rejects all distinctions and takes ure). For one may base it on t t and t is also ts rig also s riginction bet really exist or not? ive) and t (objective) are bot tes, t is tao. And er at ions and denials alike blend into te One.  is said t t.

    to take a finger in illustration of a finger not being a finger is not so good as to take somet a finger to illustrate t a finger is not a finger. to take a ration of a  being a  so good as to take somet a o illustrate t a  a  a finger, but a ao operates, and ts folloo be o be so!  so? to be not so! ties by t so and t become so.

    take, for instance, a t beauty, and all trange and monstrous transformations. togetao. Division is tion; creation is truction. tion or destruction, for tions are again levelled togeto One.

    Only truly intelligent understand to One. tinctions and take refuge in tain functions and tain ture. From to tao. t stops. to stop  knoops -- tao.

    But to  ones intellect in an obstinate ado ty of t recognizing t t all t is called quot;t;  is quot;t; A keeper of monkeys said o tions of nuts t eaco  nig t  nig tual number of nuts remained t to (subjective evaluations of) likes and dislikes. It also derives from tivity). rue Sage brings all traries togets in tural Balance of  once).

    t. ? It extended back to a period  exist. t reme point to ter, but of matter unconditioned (undefined). tter conditioned (defined), but judgments of true and false ill unknoo decline. And ao, individual bias (subjectivity) arose.

    Besides, did tao really rise and decline? {13} In t) rise and decline, tring instrument; but in respect to t rise and decline, C play tring instrument. opped playing tring instrument, Ser) laid doime), and se (t) stopped arguing, tood tao. t in ts, and to posterity. t, and ed to excel in s, ted to make to ot trying to teac (in its nature) could not be knoly se ended in t;; and quot;;; and Cried to learn to play tringed instrument all oo,  if neito rue Sage discards t t dazzles and takes refuge in tanding.

    Suppose atement. e do not knoo one category or anot if  t categories in one, tegory cease to exist.  explain. If time before t beginning, and a time before time  beginning. If tence, t ence. And if time  ime . All of a sudden, noto existence. Could one t belongs to tegory of existence or of non-existence? Even t notered, -- I cannot say w.

    ter tip of a birds doumn, ain is small. Neit of a c off in infancy, ogetherein are One.

    If t room is t exist? If it does exist,  on maticians o reacimate); hen should ordinary people fail?

    o sometly reac follo it ill easier if you o start from somet proceed, stop ao by its very nature can never be defined. Speecs very nature cannot express te. inctions. Sucinctions are: quot;rig; and quot;left,quot; quot;relations; and quot;duty,quot; quot;divisionquot; and quot;discrimination, quot;emulation and contention. t Predicables.

    Beyond ts of ternal  it exists, but does not talk about it. its of ternal alks but does not make comments. ito ts, as embodied in tumn, ts, but does not expound. And tinctions made, tinctions t cannot be made; among t cannot be expounded.

    be? it is asked. true Sage keeps  fort, in order to convince eac is said t one ain points.

    No tao cannot be given a name. A perfect argument does not employ  kindness does not concern itself s of) kindness {15}. Perfect integrity is not critical of ot courage does not pusself forward.

    For tao  tao. Speec of its aim. Kindness s scope. Integrity rong bias to  does not kno knowledge.

    ao self as tao? o enter t {17}. to be poured into  becoming full, and pour out  becoming empty,  kno, -- t of quot;Concealing t.quot;

    Of old, to S;I e tsungs, and t do you t;

    quot;tates,quot; replied S;lie in en suns came out togeted ter sue w;

    Ye;Do you knoain t all t;

    quot;; ans;Do you kno kno;

    quot;; replied Ye;But t;

    quot;; said ang Yi. quot;Nevertry to tell you.  be kno  really not kno  kno really knos lumbago and dies. But  an eel? And living up in a tree is precarious and trying to t  monkeys? Of tat is t one, absolutely? ipedes on little snakes, o taste, absolutely? Monkey mates   t of andard of beauty? In my opinion, trines of y and justice and t and  it is impossible to knoentions.quot;

    quot;If you t; asked Ye;do not kno Man equally  t;

    quot;t Man,quot; ans;is a spiritual being. ere tself scorc feel . ere t rivers frozen  feel cold. ere tains to be cleft by t deep to be torm,  tremble  upon ts of tence. Deatory over inctions of profit and loss?quot;

    Cse as follo;I rue Sage pays no o  ado rigid rules of conduct. Sometimes  speaking and sometimes  saying anyts of this mundane world.

    ted Confucius, are futile fantasies. But to me t of t ao.  is your opinion?quot;

    quot;t perplexed even t; replied Cse. quot;oo far a to ed to o you at random, and do you listen at random.

    quot; o one ing t. Rank and precedence, e, tolidly ignores, amalgamating ties of ten to one pure mold. tself, too, conserves and blends all in the same manner.

    quot; love of life is not a delusion after all?  t  as a c  know his way home?

    quot;ter of tier officer of Ai.  got  until tears. But e riced of .  t t of o life?

    quot;t, o lamentation and sorroation and sorroo join t.  kno terpret t  a t t dream. Fools tter t one is a s narro a dream myself. tomorroo explain it; but t tomorro be until ten tions  you may meet he corner.

    quot;Granting t you and I argue. If you get tter of me, and not I of you, are you necessarily rig tter of you and not you of me, am I necessarily rigly rigly  and ly we all live in darkness.

    quot;er bete bete betive; if  y of God, and folloural evolution, so t e our allotted span of life.

    quot;But  to y of God? It is t may not be really rig appears so may not be really so. Even if  be made plain by argument. Even if  so also cannot be made plain by argument.

    quot;take no ime nor of rigo te, take your final rest t;

    to t;At one moment you move: at anot rest. At one moment you sit do anot up. ability of purpose?quot;

    quot;Per; replied t;upon someto do as I do; and per someturn upon somet to do as it does. Or pers) of a snakes scales or of a cicadas ;

    Once upon a time, I, C I terfly, fluttering o all intents and purposes a butterfly. I erfly, una I  knoerfly, or terfly tinction. transition is called transformation of material things {19}.

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