类别:文学名著 作者:菲利普·西德尼 本章:POEM: SONNETS

    t, ting, so strong I prove,  dotie, t of troke, t, and knot of love, ounded, inflamed, knit to th, I die.

    ions snare as once my mind, my temper, and my life;  sigo avoid, quenc boasted strife.

    Yet  I grief, as, or free estate; So brave a s, dear fire, and beauty strange, Bid me pierce, burn, and bind, long time and late, And in my ented mind.

    * * * Virtue, beauty, and speecrike, , First, second, last, did bind, enforce, and arm, s, , grace, and vo, muc, sense, and ill empt, deceit, did groeal, creep, Bands, favour, faito break, defile, and kill, took, kindled, tauge, rage, disdain: But a, t, Dotime, nor place, can loose, quenc, knot, fire, disease.

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