A man,  o toi?coloured doublet, and ed s. Also  ing and sleeping places rayed from toe Friars and totlements to a ro against ttle to to t empty, for ttering about t , just suctered: If it oning or be o ing your feet! I  t tree of deat of barbarous lands, or t tning, e Dat t of tain, ten  oot ts of the deep sea.

    o foot, and t came out upon  lemented gate, and t?o t udded  nails, and , er, and of ?ook a glourf on a so a big and naked outrey rused a rusones of t turf upon tub in a far corner. t  back to o blourf t  ligra tra ligook off ed sub out of t of ; but ter y t  see ttom.  eaten all t day; so  e mucub, but took up t into it, and t out te, for till  give o  drunken t  tasted, to make ful. Noo   from raiger ter and ill?smelling. t it broke against te  to  about . But no sooner did ouc t  to t?  tomed to succries,  on tside; so ied tub and began to beat t, till to t ailed  of sleep.  ails me! sed Cum t as t t as many as t t of a lay brotten God? and is not ter in tter and as ill?smelling as  t?er t s t, and  back to oo sleepy to talk . And Cum on beating at tly  once more, and cried out at yrannous race of friars, persecutors of ters of life and joy! O race t does not draell trut melts t!

    Gleeman, said t in my nico o you t it is tery, our gracious abbot, wravellers.

    You may sleep, said Cum. And  tub upside doood upon it, and began to sing in a very loud voice. t, so t  up in bed and bleil to  get a  noise, said t.  is happening?

    It is a gleeman, said ter in t?er, and of t. And noions.

    Is he cursing in rhyme?

    wo assonances in every line of his curse.

    t pulled ?cap off and crumpled it in c of a pond, for in Connaug yet abandoned t tonsure for tyle to use. If  somereet, and t to the robbers upon Ben Bulben.

    Ser in a jug, clean foot?er, and a ne, and make  Benignus, and by t no bond be lacking, not to tell o treet, and t the robbers upon Ben Bulben?

    Neitron nor t all, said t; for to?morro day to curse ell anot ?urn o curse, and my name eadfastness of purpose upon t only under roofs and bettle olf, Brotrick, Broter. And take t o sing. And in t t make he louder, we will crucify him.


    t make anot make an end of  and sleep in peace and before blessed Saint Benignus, and sour  t Day, o spare an enemy of irring up te in all ts, aler t, and ts of t God and C and ts.

    cap over o s out to sleep.

    ttle olf, Brotrick, Broter sitting up in bed, and  up. to t at terwards called Buckleys Ford.

    Gleeman, said to t?   I speak true! And   and learning, but I ever glorify our gracious abbot, and Benignus our Patron, and t and orderly, but yours is like t I could for you, being also a man of many ts, but who could help such a one as you?

    Friend, ans bloo and fro, and up and dos many to my mind and out of my mind, and t, ild  nigeettering he cold.

    t and to  ready to be crucified, and led  of t?ill stood upon tep a flock of great grass?barnacles passed ed o t grass?barnacles, tarry a little, and mayravel o te places of to t te a cro to beg from any traveller or pilgrim  in t? and to a place in t some distance,  one doo t lengtood round talking and gesticulating. t t off anoter piece of  upon t. So t it upon o be on top of to stop and see ricks of Aengus tle? ed. t to t of  after a o stop and  for ts of Conan tales, again bade ake up  ill became to listen to suco stop and ory of e?breasted Deirdre, and o serve o  en longings in ts. So t to the hill.

    o top, took to dig a o stand it in, hemselves. I ask a favour before I die, says Cumhal.

    e  you no more delays, says t.

    I ask no more delays, for I old trutent.

    ould you, then, confess?

    By sun and moon, not I; I ask but to be let eat t. I carry food in my   taste of it unless I am en nowo days.

    You may eat, t, and urned to he hole.

    took a loaf and some strips of cold fried bacon out of  and laid tito t a tent from t? And t clamour, for tory of ty, and t er from the bogs.

    ened for a little, and, says , for I ravelled tattered doublet of particoloured clotorn pointed s oy full of noble raiment ling of tle tle?ed, and more full of ty of laugears te?breasted Deirdre, and more lovely ting dao t are lost in tito myself; but yet, because I am done  unto you.

    So rips of bacon among t il t scrap en. But mean uprig t, and trampled it level and  a tared on, sitting round t o go, for tting ctle ay, outcasts, yet a little s and t tcasts, so tones and mud at  t t of tly ted all at once upon o peck at o eat . Outcasts, urned against tcast?

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