类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:OUT OF THE ROSE

    One er evening an old kniged ccired, as after a long journey, and  t of no neig a small rose made of rubies t glimmered every moment to a deeper crimson. e s disorder added to t seldom into ts trouble, t do  dream hey do.

    After gazing a  tretc boto, ellectual Flame, let tes of to me at last! And suddenly a loud squealing began in tain side. opped o listen, and  and of voices. ting to make to t a dozen peasants armed  spears , and stood a little apart from roop of o an old man  to go after t imes more to find taken; and ly tell our story to De Courcey, and if  o Fitzgerald; for De Courcey and Fitzgerald ely made a peace, and  knoo whom we belong.

    But by t time, said t, ten.

    A dozen men cannot do more, and it  reasonable t turn out and risk two dozen pigs.

    Can you tell me, said t, if to wrue of ?

    rue as anoto a saint every morning before .

    t o fig, and if you ake t of ttle, and you kno a man in armour is her.

    And turned to ake t to get back to their cabins.

    Are treacherous and impious?

    treac, and no man o pray.

    t, I ing; and  on togeter a time to rack o taking to ascend tains. In a little  o dismount and leave ied to a tree?stem. t track: for ted s clay and mingled prints of tly till more abrupt, and t?prints t t a pig tle  ty minutes,  tood t turn. tiously, and in about five minutes one of t sigruck ts c glanced off  of arro by t bees. toanding up among till quivering bo at once come o   and smote do one and ts sed, and, pressing on, drove til t on t top of tain, and tly grubbing in t grass, so t to move back again to coming no of all, and striking doer ts  no very serious s among t of ttle upon s in o trance of to tood to guard t  en off,  made t of sig hurry.

    An  return; and no could stand on guard no longer, but o lie do by, and t appeared to be a number of cocks featuck round , came out of to move about among tting t, and said: O great knighe heads: five crowns a head.

    tell you t to God and o give you a long life, but t ts, and t told me t forget it, and promised to beat me if I did.

    t raised  o , counted out ty heads in all.

    O great knigake all care of you, and lig tment upon your oget and steel under a mass of dry leaves,  of mail, o anoint t  clumsily, like one  motioned o stop, and said: You seem a good lad.

    I hing of you for myself.

    till a fe; so you?

    O no, said to me. t I care about doing, and I o do it. I go from village to village and from o eal ake o t until I get anot to fig, and do not do me any o do any  go a message no is because I am an innocent t to get teal t come back t you are not ened, t arms are not cened at all?

    If you  take t old coat of mail which I shall soon need no more.

    ted: yes, I remember no you to tell me s in tories and for so little a t rat a ly and crumble you into dust?

    I ell you of myself, replied t, for no I am t of tell all and ness for God. Look at t, and see the symbol of my life and of my hope.

    And told tory, but  pauses; and, , t, and tuck t of  as tors in the play.

    I live in a land far from ts of St. Jo I   last to us a knigine, to rut Rose of Fire, and a Voice out of told urn from t of ts, and boer order and outer fixity, and t t  t, and te hink.

    Already, told  of t o keep it alive,  re, and t, as it paled, a strange infection oucars and trees ion, and t none of trut er into t of tayed on ed  prove t tion by dying in t of Palestine elling us to see in a vision a crimson Rose spreading itself about  o speak out of its , and t it o us by t, and   us in all teaco obey t knoing, and  us out in troops into to seek good causes, and die in doing battle for t first  to die more readily by fasting to deat; but told us  for took out of time and manner of our deat cs excellence, and for t to God to re ime and in er to eat al a table to c ed unduly, for some among us said t if one fasted for a love of ts and table. And t of Palestine, and at last I  te, and a terrible fear lest I ,  last ern isle , and, be joy.

    t o sing in Latin, and, er. t, and told me a good tale, ing in it, but I did not understand muc, and it is o remember so long a story.

    And, taking ts s clay.  ligouc done   bird; and o the valley.

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