类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:THE WISDOM OF THE KING

    t to nurse  of mud and  t rocking ty of t t grant o y. t t up, not a little  neig e.  error s, and a grey?clad  age, and of a  more tood by t to take  t tead of  t, and too ignorant and too full of gaiety to knoood tc in t s for trembling, and anot less old tead of ood by t. In a little, came a ter il t ood a long time in perfect silence and stillness, for troubled, but at last one muttered in a loers, I knetered like a bird under a net of silver cords ; and took up ters, I kne is er t toget rocking tender and caressing, no  of sig of mind: Long  of mood, taken aaken aar stone; s urn to grey, Are true till time gutter away.

    , t spoken, said: e o do but to mix a drop of our blood into c of a spindle, , fall upon t into t in silence one by one; and all t opened o dance, for too ignorant and too full of gaiety to kno beings  over the cradle.

    o o t in t of t t,  over t nigs and men of lao t and gat t up and looked at them.

    ting against ts and t looked to see er ales of ions about t  for a miracle t began to trouble all men; and all   ceasing. to gro tinually, in but a little ter of great moment, for miracles tle t for an ancient la none  at tened to ts in t of t  possible to ts feated; nor could te from tion of t gre o c tacle of  t  o reign in ead.

    s and toget, and all tters  old  too   tted by t ruto o try round about.

    After mucion to mingle artificially to  men s and slings and boo tries round about to gat any ruto to the sea.

    to boyo man all trange and subtle ts ions bet. Multitudes came from oto see o ask  t at tiers, o ened to o make all darkness ligs like music; but, alas, o t too strange and subtle to o live out ty days. A number indeed did live differently after t t urned to to find er in ttle, for augtle a rue; ot oil, for er purposes; and numbers of tain  became like a fire in ts, and made all kindly joys and traffic bet different  all into vague regret.

    es about territory, or about traying of cattle, or about ty of blood; urn to t  to be from courtesy, for none kne tters  filled er?marc   amid ts and dreams, s its oude.

    Among to look at o listen to er of a little king range and pale beauty unlike t Dana, t mot t  as t of otery of troubled  o old y, and praised o give le in his dreams.

    Over o marry some  by tsmen of distant lands; cloto iful t clotry; and still s , and told urn to t titude of t even tten, eit time to till sill  believe t a beauty so muc.

    tall young man in tling and in training of , ers of t said, I e to your beautiful  ts; and t beautiful like yours; and no I  of your  my , t casts no serror and darkness upon my . t ten  understanding tful  inual solitude; and o trembling voice.

    t  and prayed for pardon, and ooped do of turned ao a o ts and  ood upon t t t s lig and t is deadly to mortal to your kind, and call Eocy Mind to reign over you, for I set out to find my kindred.

    of t one and ttered t, and none dared to follow he birds of prey; and no man saw him again or heard his voice.

    Some believed t ernal abode among t   all nig t cellations rising and setting in te mirrors.

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