Poor Mrs. Maudsley.

类别:文学名著 作者:戴安娜·赛特菲尔德 本章:Poor Mrs. Maudsley.

    S time to appreciate t te-robed figure  force toact o the floor.

    it ucked inside crap, s a drop of life left in tle puffs of dust t  wly back down.

    til to collect eggs, o glance in at t seen a dark shape before.


    As I transcribed from memory, Miss inter’s voice seemed to fill my room y   engraved itself on my memory and  t, we,” s .

    I ory, and so it took me a moment to re-focus my eye from tor’s ory to toryteller er’s normal pallor o an ugly yelloint, and  must be said, seemed at present to be girding itself against some invisible assault. trembling around  s of losing truggle to  a repressed grimace o he day.

    I rose from my c  I ougo do.

    ‘Miss inter,“ I exclaimed ever is it?“

    ‘My  I  t to speak ruggle to measure  as I  of running to find Juditer regained control. t sloremors in ill pale as deat me.

    ‘Better…“ she said weakly.

    Slourned to my chair.

    ‘I t you said somet a wolf,“ I began.

    ‘Yes. t black beast t gna my bones ime, because ed te pills on table beside  t last forever. It’s nearly t my neck. By  eetil one, ablet and o return to ces earlier every day. But I cannot take my tablets five minutes earlier. t stays the same.“

    ‘But surely tor—“

    ‘Of course. Once a en days, s te enoug  to be to kill me, you see. And so  must be t finishes me off.“

    S me, very matter-of-fact, ted.

    ‘ter. If I ed to, I could put an end to it myself.  feel sorry for me. I o do.“

    I nodded. “All right.”

    ‘So. Let’s get on and do them, shall we? here were we?“

    ‘tor’s he violin.“

    And inued our work.

    C used to dealing h problems.

    y of ttic rooms—but   didn’t notice ter penetration got too bad  closed up a room and started using anoter all. One ively maintained t tion .  at .

    Still, a doctor’s ly dead in t ignore. If it  an outsider. t ter. Someto be done, altion of  somet be, and ared, stricken, at tor’s upid, but  t. Calamity was coming.

    t Joor and in due course tor arrived. And it seemed for a ions of disaster   tor’s  badly  at all, barely even concussed. Sot of brandy, accepted tea and after a s  was a woman,” se.”

    ‘Nonsense,“ said t once reassuring and dismissive. ”te in the house.“

    tears glittered in Mrs. Maudsley’s bro s. “Yes, a he piano and rose up and—”

    ‘Did you see her for long?“ Dr. Maudsley asked.

    ‘No, it  for a moment.“

    ‘ell t cannot be,“ terrupted ic it e. You must .“

    And t time, Jo ted.”

    For a moment t t emple, but before anyone ime to respond to topknot  and iful, were wild.

    ‘Could tor asked his wife.

    Mrs. Maudsley measured Isabelle against ture in e o t a person’s memory? S match in her memory, decided.

    ‘Yes. the person.“

    the-dig avoided exchanging a glance.

    From t moment, forgetting  or attended to.  ion after question. o ansled, but urns arcient, nonsensical—ened carefully, nodding as es in or’s pad. taking  to measure ed s and scars t marked the inside of her forearm.

    ‘Does shis herself?“

    Reluctantly , tor pressed o a worried line.

    ‘May I urning to C  tor took  of the room.

    In tor’s ed and pretended not to pay any attention to t came from t of voices but of a single voice, calm and measured.  stopped, or. time, and ations over and over before tor came out, looking serious and s ence, but tor only he door closed behind him.

    ‘I’ll make ts old transport to me. ill t?“

    Baffled, sor’s o leave.

    At to t to a brougted o ttled obediently in t, never even looked out as trotted slooes.

    toes in the drive.

    Cood on teps c greoy is being taken a quite, not yet—t it is really happening.

    From tcing for tion to dawn.

    tes and disappeared tinued to stare at tes for three, four, five seconds.

    tcrembling, t revealed ongue, t, strings of spittle across a dark cavity. Mesmerized cing for to emerge from t t ready to come. For long seconds it built up, accumulating inside il -up sound. At long last o eps and t  tine belloing, but a damp, nasal snort.

    toe circles for a moment, turned impassively to tigurned ao do  to Ctempted to persuade o t o ed schoolboy.

    And t .

    t ? tated endnote to ter’s mot  Miss inter didn’t ties as a parent; indeed t from  andable; from  maternal of  ions hers?

    I closed my book, slid my pencil into tood up.

    ‘I’ll be ahursday.“

    And I left h her wolf.

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