类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:13


    S in vain, nor though men were none, [ 675 ]

    t  spectators, God  praise;

    Millions of spiritual Creatures h

    Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep:

    All th ceasless praise his works behold

    Bot: en from teep [ 680 ]

    Of ec have we heard

    Celestial voices to t air,

    Sole, or responsive eaco ote

    Singing t Creator: oft in bands

    cly rounding walk, [ 685 ]

    itoucrumental sounds

    In full hir songs

    Divide t, and lift our ts to heaven.

    talking hey passd

    On to t was a place [ 690 ]

    Cer, when he framd

    All to mans delighe roofe

    Of t covert was inwoven shade

    Laurel and Mirtle, and w higher grew

    Of firm and fragrant leaf; on either side [ 695 ]

    Acanthus, and each odorous bushie shrub

    Fencd up t wall; eaceous flour,

    Iris all hues, Roses, and Gessamin


    Mosaic; underfoot t, [ 700 ]

    Crocus, and h rich inlay

    Broiderd tone

    Of costliest Emblem: oture here

    Beast, Bird, Insect, or orm durst enter none;

    Suchir awe of Man. In shadie Bower [ 705 ]

    More sacred and sequesterd, t feignd,

    Pan or Silvanus never slept, nor Nymph,

    Nor Faunus ed. here in close recess

    it-smelling herbs

    Espoused Eve deckt first ial Bed, [ 710 ]

    And he hymen?an sung,

    day to our Sire

    Brougy more adornd

    More lovely the Gods

    Endos, and O too like [ 715 ]

    In sad event, he unwiser Son

    Of Jap brought by hermes, she ensnard

    Mankind o be avengd

    On ole Joves autic fire.

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