类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:14

    t tood [ 720 ]

    Boturnd, and under opn Skie adord

    t made both and heavn


    And starrie Pole: t t,

    Maker Omnipotent, and the Day, [ 725 ]

    ed work imployd

    ual help

    And mutual love, the Crown of all our bliss

    Ordaind by this delicious place

    For us too large, ws [ 730 ]

    Partakers, and uncropt falls to the ground.

    But t promisd from us two a Race

    to fill toll

    te, both when we wake,

    And w of sleep. [ 735 ]


    Observing none, but adoration pure

    , into t bowre

    ; and easd tting off

    troublesom disguises which wee wear, [ 740 ]

    Strait side by side urnd I weene

    Adam from es

    Mysterious of connubial Love refusd:

    ever es austerely talk

    Of puritie and place and innocence, [ 745 ]

    Defaming as impure w God declares

    Pure, and commands to som, leaves free to all.

    Our Maker bids increase, wain

    But our Destroyer, foe to God and Man?

    erious Larue source [ 750 ]

    Of y,

    In Paradise of all things common else.

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