类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:5

    Great triumph and rejoycing was in heavn [ 180 ]

    ies will;

    Glorie to t high, good will

    to future men, and in thir dwellings peace:

    Glorie to  avenging ire

    t [ 185 ]

    And tations of t; to him

    Glorie and praise, whose wisdom had ordaind

    Good out of evil to create, in stead

    Of Spirits maligne a better Race to bring

    Into t room, and thence diffuse [ 190 ]

    o orlds and Ages infinite.

    So sang the Son

    On  Expedition now appeerd,

    Girt ence, h Radiance crownd

    Of Majestie Divine, Sapience and Love [ 195 ]

    Immense, and all her in him shon.

    About  numberless were pourd

    Centates and thrones,

    And Vertues, s, and Cs wingd,

    From tand of old [ 200 ]

    Myriads betains lodgd

    Against a solemn day,  at hand,

    Celestial Equipage; and noh

    Spontaneous, for  livd,

    Attendant on thir Lord: heavn opnd wide [ 205 ]

    es, harmonious sound

    On golden o let forth

    the King of Glorie in his powerful ord

    And Spirit coming to create new orlds.

    On ood, and from the shore [ 210 ]

    t immeasurable Abyss

    Outrageous as a Sea, dark, eful, wilde,

    Up from ttom turnd by furious windes

    And surging ains to assault

    er mix the Pole. [ 215 ]

    Silence, ye troubld hou Deep, peace,

    Said th Omnific ord, your discord end:

    Nor staid, but on the ings of Cherubim

    Uplifted, in Paternal Glorie rode

    Farr into Che orld unborn; [ 220 ]

    For Craine

    Followd in brigo behold

    Creation, and t.

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