类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:6

    taid the fervid heeles, and in his hand

    ook the golden Compasses, prepard [ 225 ]

    In Gods Eternal store, to circumscribe

    ted things:

    One foot erd, and turnd

    Round t profunditie obscure,

    And said, tend, thy bounds, [ 230 ]

    t Circumference, O orld.

    ted, th,

    Matter unformd and void: Darkness profound

    Coverd t on trie calme

    of God outspred, [ 235 ]

    And vital vertue infusd, and vital h

    t t downward purgd

    tartareous cold Infernal dregs

    Adverse to life: then conglobd

    Like to like, t to several place [ 240 ]

    Disparted, and bet the Air,

    And Eart on er hung.

    Let t, said God, and fort

    Et of tessence pure

    Sprung from tive East [ 245 ]

    to journie the airie gloom began,

    Sp Cloud, for yet the Sun

    as not; sabernacle

    Sojournd t was good;

    And lighe hemisphere [ 250 ]

    Divided: Lig

    Day Eevn and Morn:

    Nor past uncelebrated, nor unsung

    By tial Quires,

    Ex from Darkness they beheld; [ 255 ]


    they filld,

    And touchir Golden harps, and hymning praisd

    God and our hey sung,

    Bot Eevning was, and w Morn. [ 260 ]

    Again, God said, let t

    Amid ters, and let it divide

    ters from ters: and God made

    t, expanse of liquid, pure,

    transparent, Elemental Air, diffusd [ 265 ]

    In circuit to ttermost convex

    Of t Round: partition firm and sure,

    ters underneathose above

    Dividing: for as Earthe orld

    Built on circumfluous aters calme, in wide [ 270 ]

    Crystallin Ocean, and the loud misrule

    Of C fierce extreames

    Contiguous migemper the whole frame:

    And : So Eevn

    And Morning Che second Day. [ 275 ]

    t in t

    Of aters, Embryon immature involvd,

    Appeerd not: over all th

    Main Ocean flo idle, but h warme

    Prolific ning all her Globe, [ 280 ]

    Fermented t Moto conceave,

    Satiate ure, when God said

    Be gaters under heavn

    Into one place, and let dry Land appeer.

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