类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:7

    Immediately tains huge appeer [ 285 ]

    Emergent, and thir broad bare backs upheave

    Into tops ascend the Skie:

    So umid hills, so low

    Doom broad and deep,

    Capacious bed of aters: they [ 290 ]

    ed ance, uprowld

    As drops on dust conglobing from the drie;

    Part rise in crystal all, or ridge direct,

    For e; suc t command impressd

    On t flouds: as Armies at the call [ 295 ]

    Of trumpet (for of Armies t heard)

    troop to tandard, so trie throng,

    ave roer ave, whey found,

    If steep, orrent rapture, if through Plaine,

    Soft-ebbing; nor ood them Rock or hill, [ 300 ]

    But t wide

    it errour hir way,

    And on the washie Oose deep Channels wore;

    Easie, ere God he ground be drie,

    All but hose banks, where Rivers now [ 305 ]

    Stream, and perpetual draraine.

    t receptacle

    Of congregated aters he calld Seas:

    And sa it  th

    Put fort Grass, herb yielding Seed, [ 310 ]

    And Fruit tree yielding Fruit after her kind;


    ill then

    Desert and bare, unsightly, unadornd,

    Brougender Grass, whose verdure clad [ 315 ]


    t sudden flourd

    Opning thir various colours, and made gay

    : and these scarce blown,

    Fort tring Vine, fort [ 320 ]

    tood the cornie Reed

    Embattelld in he humble Shrub,

    And Bus: last

    Rose as in Dance tately trees, and spred

    t; or gemmd [ 325 ]

    the hills were crownd,

    itufts tain side,

    it Earth now

    Seemd like to  w dwell,

    Or , and love to  [ 330 ]

    not raind

    Upon to till the ground

    None  from t

    ent up and erd all the ground, and each

    Plant of t h [ 335 ]

    God made, and every  grew

    On temm; God sa it was good.

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