类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:10

    Adam, no behold

    ts w

    In some to spring from touchd [ 425 ]

    ted tree, nor he Snake conspird,

    Nor sinnd t from t sin derive

    Corruption to bring fort deeds.

    his eyes he opnd, and beheld a field,

    Part arable and tilth, whereon were Sheaves [ 430 ]

    Ne, t sheep-walks and foulds;

    It an Altar as tood

    Rustic, of grassie sord; ther anon

    A sie Reaper from illage brought

    First Fruits, the yellow Sheaf, [ 435 ]

    Unculld, as came to

    More meek came lings of his Flock

    C and best; then sacrificing, laid

    t, rewd,

    On t ood, and all due Rites performd. [ 440 ]

    ious Fire from heavn

    Consumd eful steame;

    t, for  sincere;


    Smote o tone [ 445 ]

    t beat out life; he fell, and deadly pale

    Groand out h gushing bloud effusd.

    Muc t sig

    Dismaid, and te to th Angel crid.

    O teac misch befalln [ 450 ]

    to t meek man, who well had sacrificd;

    Is Pietie tion paid?

    t whus, hee also movd, replid.

    to come

    Out of t t h slain, [ 455 ]

    For envie t hers Offering found

    From ance; but t

    ill be avengd, and th approvd

    Loose no rehou see him die,

    Ro and gore. to which our Sire. [ 460 ]

    Alas, bothe cause!

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