类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:11

    But he way

    I must return to native dust? O sight

    Of terrour, foul and ugly to behold,

    o to feel! [ 465 ]

    to w seen

    In  s many shapes

    Of Deat lead

    to  to sense

    More terrible at trance thin. [ 470 ]

    Some, as t, by violent stroke shall die,

    By Fire, Flood, Famin, by Intemperance more

    In Meats and Drinks, wh shall bring

    Diseases dire, of wrous crew

    Before t t know [ 475 ]

    miserie tinence of Eve

    Sely a place

    Before his eyes appeard, sad, noysom, dark,

    A Lazar- seemd, wherein were laid

    Numbers of all diseasd, all maladies [ 480 ]

    Of gastly Spasm, or racking torture, qualmes

    Of -sick Agonie, all feavorous kinds,

    Convulsions, Epilepsies, fierce Catarrhs,

    Intestin Stone and Ulcer, Colic pangs,

    D?moniac Phrenzie, moaping Melancholie [ 485 ]

    And Moon-struck madness, pining Atrophie

    Marasmus and ing Pestilence,

    Dropsies, and Ast-racking Rheums.

    Dire ossing, deep the groans, despair

    tended t from Couco Couch; [ 490 ]

    And over triump Deat

    S delaid to strike, t invokt

    ithir chief good, and final hope.

    Sig  of Rock could long

    Drie-eyd be, but , [ 495 ]

    t of oman born; compassion quelld

    of Man, and gave o tears

    A space, till firmer ts restraind excess,

    And scarce recovering words  renewd.

    O miserable Mankind, to w fall [ 500 ]

    Degraded, to cate reservd!

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