类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:16

    Adam ears, and to his guide

    Lamenting turnd full sad; O hese, [ 675 ]

    Deaters, not Men, wh

    Ino men, and multiply

    ten the sin of him who slew

    her; for of whom such massacher

    Make t of thren, men of men? [ 680 ]

    But  Man, w heavn

    Rescud, eousness bin lost?

    to w

    Of ted Marriages t:

    chemselves [ 685 ]

    Abo joyn; and by imprudence mixt,

    Produce prodigious Births of bodie or mind.

    Sucs, men of high renown;

    For in t onely shall be admird,

    And Valour and u calld; [ 690 ]

    to overcome in Battle, and subdue

    Nations, and bring e

    Man-slaug pitch

    Of human Glorie, and for Glorie done

    Of triumpo be styld great Conquerours, [ 695 ]

    Patrons of Mankind, Gods, and Sons of Gods,

    Destroyers rightlier calld and Plagues of men.


    And  merits fame in silence hid.

    But  [ 700 ]

    teous in a orld perverse,

    And ted, t

    ito be just,

    And utter odious trut God would come

    to judge ts:  high [ 705 ]

    Rapt in a balmie Cloud eeds

    Did, as t, receave, to h God

    ion and the Climes of bliss,

    Exempt from Deato s reward

    As t w punis? [ 710 ]

    thine eyes and soon behold.

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