类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:17

    e changd;

    t of arr  to roar,

    All nournd to jollitie and game,

    to luxurie and riot, feast and dance, [ 715 ]

    Marrying or prostituting, as befell,

    Rape or Adulterie, where passing faire

    Allurd to civil Broiles.

    At lengthem came,

    And of t dislike declard, [ 720 ]

    And testifid against t

    Frequented t,

    triumpivals, and to them preachd

    Conversion and Repentance, as to Souls

    In prison under Judgments imminent: [ 725 ]

    But all in vain: which when he saw, he ceasd

    Contending, and removd ents farr off;

    tain imber tall,

    Began to build a Vessel of huge bulk,

    Measurd by Cubit, length, [ 730 ]

    Smeard round che side a dore

    Contrivd, and of provisions laid in large

    For Man and Beast: wrange!

    Of every Beast, and Bird, and Insect small

    Came seavens, and pairs, and enterd in, as taught [ 735 ]

    t three Sons

    it the dore.

    Meanwh black wings

    ide ogether drove

    From under o their supplie [ 740 ]

    Vapour, and Exion dusk and moist,

    Sent up amain; and nohicknd Skie

    Like a dark Ceeling stood; down rushe Rain

    Impetuous, and continud till th

    No more ing Vessel swum [ 745 ]

    Uplifted; and secure h beaked prow

    Rode tilting ore the aves, all dwellings else

    Flood overwhir pomp

    Deep under er rould; Sea coverd Sea,

    Sea  shir Palaces [ 750 ]

    e reignd, Sea-monsters whelpd

    And stabld; of Mankind, so numerous late,

    All left, in one small bottom s.

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