t Beloved, is anotory of times. In times ickly- Prickly urbid Amazon, eating sortoise, ing green lettuces and t was all rig Beloved. Do you see?

    But also, and at time, in times, ted Jaguar, and urbid Amazon too; and e everyt c catc frogs and beetles; and cles  to old o eat ortoises.

    So imes, graciously er and tcortoise you must scoop  of  was all rig Beloved.

    One beautiful nigurbid Amazon, Painted Jaguar found Stickly-Prickly ortoise sitting under trunk of a fallen tree. t run aickly-Prickly curled o a ball, because ortoise dreo ortoise; and so t was all rig Beloved. Do you see?

    Notend to me, said Painted Jaguar, because tant. My mot er and t a tortoise I am to scoop  of ortoise? because, to save my spots, I cant tell.

    Are you sure of old you? said Stickly-Prickly e sure? Per oise you must s ter  drop he shell.

    Are you sure of old you? said Sloortoise. Are you quite sure? Per ortoise you must sill he uncoils.

    I dont t  all like t, said Painted Jaguar, but  a little puzzled; but, please, say it again more distinctly.

    er  ickly-Prickly. Remember t, because its important.

    But, said tortoise,  into a tortoise  you understand?

    You are making my spots aced Jaguar; and besides, I didnt  your advice at all. I only ed to knooise.

    I s tell you, said Stickly-Prickly. but you can scoop me out of my shell if you like.

    Aed Jaguar. Noortoise. You t I ! Noed Jaguar darted out  as Stickly-Prickly curled  filled , ickly-Prickly ao t oo dark to find  o   tortoise at all. But--and tc tortoise?

    But I am tortoise, said Sloe rig you o scoop me out of my sh your paw. Begin.

    You didnt say s a minute ago, said Painted Jaguar, sucking t of e different.

    ell, suppose you say t I said t se different, I dont see t it makes any difference; because if s you said I said ss just t s you o uncoil me ead of pao drops  , can I?

    But you said you ed to be scooped out of your sed Jaguar.

    If youll t I didnt say anyt your mot you o scoop me out of my shell, said Slow-and-Solid.


    I dont kno of my s I tell you truly, if you  to see me s to drop me into ter.

    I dont believe it, said Painted Jaguar. Youve mixed up all told me to do  you asked me ill I dont knoail; and noell me sometand, and it makes me more mixy told me t I o drop one of you to ter, and as you seem so anxious to be dropped I t  to be dropped. So jump into turbid Amazon and be quick about it.

    I  your Mummy  be pleased. Dont tell  tell you, said Slow-Solid.

    If you say anot   finisence before Sloly dived into turbid Amazon, ser for a long  on tickly-Prickly ing for him.

    t ickly-Prickly. I dont rib Painted Jaguar.  did you tell  you were?

    I told rut I rutortoise, but  believe it, and o to see if I ell en to him!

    ted Jaguar roaring up and dorees and turbid Amazon, till his Mummy came.

    Son, son! said imes, graciously waving ail, w  you s have done?

    I tried to scoop somet said it ed to be scooped out of its sed Jaguar.

    Son, son! said imes, graciously  t must o ter.

    I did t to tortoise, and I didnt believe  e true, and urbid Amazon, and  come up again, and I  anyt all to eat, and I tter find lodgings someurbid Amazon for poor me!

    Son, son! said imes, graciously tend to me and remember  every he hedgehog.

    I dont like ttle bit, said Stickly-Prickly, under t else she knows?

    A tortoise cant curl  on, ever so many times, graciously oise.

    I dont like t all--at all, said Sloortoise. Even Painted Jaguar cant forget tions.  Its a great pity t you cant sickly-Prickly.

    Dont talk to me, said Stickly-Prickly. Just tter it en to Painted Jaguar.

    Painted Jaguar ting on turbid Amazon sucking prickles out of o himself--

    Cant curl, but can swim--

    Slos him!

    Curls up, but cant swim--

    Stickly-Prickly, ts him!

    t tickly-Prickly. o try to learn to s may be useful.

    Excellent! said Sloers of turbid Amazon.

    Youll make a fine s, said Sloes a little, Ill see o may be useful.

    Stickly-Prickly o unlace tortoises back-plates, so t by ting and straining Sloually managed to curl up a tiddy .

    Excellent! said Stickly-Prickly; but I s do any more just nos making you black in to ter once again and Ill practice t side-stroke iced, and Slow-Solid swam alongside.

    Excellent! said Slotle more practice o unlace my back and front plates t fascinating bend t you say is so easy. ont Painted Jaguar be surprised!

    Excellent! said Stickly-Prickly, all  from turbid Amazon. I declare, I s knole more expression, please, and dont grunt quite so muced Jaguar may  to try t long dive ed Jaguar be surprised!

    And so Stickly-Prickly dived, and Slow-and-Solid dived alongside.

    Excellent! said Slole more attention to o keep  ttom of turbid Amazon. Nory t exercise of putting my able. ont Painted Jaguar be surprised!

    Excellent! said Stickly-Prickly. But its straining your back-plates a little. tead of lying side by side.

    Os t of exercise, said Sloiced t your prickles seem to be melting into one anot youre groo look ratnut-burr, to.

    Am I? said Stickly-Prickly. t comes from my soaking in ter. O Painted Jaguar be surprised!

    t on ill morning came; and  te different from hey had been.

    Stickly-Prickly, said tortoise after breakfast, I am not erday; but I t I may yet amuse Painted Jaguar.

    t  noickly- Prickly. I tremendous improvement on prickles--to say noto sed Jaguar be surprised! Lets go and find him.

    By and by ted Jaguar, still nursing   t before. onis imes backail  stopping.

    Good morning! said Stickly-Prickly. And his morning?

    Se ed Jaguar; but you must forgive me if I do not at t recall your name.

    ts unkind of you, said Stickly-Prickly, seeing t time yesterday you tried to scoop me out of my sh your paw.

    But you  any s ed Jaguar. I kno  look at my paw!

    You told me to drop into turbid Amazon and be droo-day?

    Dont you remember old you? said Stickly- Prickly,--

    Cant curl, but can swim--

    Stickly-Prickly, ts him!

    Curls up, but cant swim--

    Slos him!

    ted Jaguar till urned truly cart-wheels in his head.

    t to fetcher.

    Moto- day, and t you said couldnt s you said couldnt curl up, curls; and tead of one being smoot, t feel comfy.

    Son, son! said Motimes, graciously  a ortoise is a tortoise, and can never be anything else.

    But it isnt a  isnt a tortoise. Its a little bit of bot knos proper name.

    Nonsense! said Mots proper name.  I s quot;Armadilloquot; till I found out t alone.

    So Painted Jaguar did as old, especially about leaving t t from t day to t Beloved, no one on turbid Amazon ickly-Prickly and Slo Armadillo.

    tortoises in ot ty-lappety one over t lived on turbid Amazon in they were so clever.

    So t; all rig Beloved. Do you see?

    IVE never sailed the Amazon,

    Ive never reached Brazil;

    But the Don and Magdelana,

    they will!

    Yes, on,

    Great steamers, we and gold,

    Go rolling doo Rio

    (Roll doo Rio!)

    And Id like to roll to Rio

    Some day before Im old!

    Ive never seen a Jaguar,

    Nor yet an Armadill

    O dilloing in his armour,

    And I spose I never will,

    Unless I go to Rio

    to behold--

    Roll doo Rio--

    Roll really doo Rio!

    Oo roll to Rio Some day before Im old!

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