ONCE upon a most early time  a Jute or an Angle, or even a Dravidian,  never mind e and   to, and except  means, Man--- for Beloved,  means, Lady-  Beloved, le girl-daugaffimai Metallumai, and t means, Small-person--any-manners-o-be-spanked; but Im going to call affy. And segumai Bopsulais Best Beloved and  Beloved, and s spanked affy could run about s everyimes t come o till teseo, to get so sy? Really, my tegumai, youre no better taffy.

    Notend and listen!

    One day tegumai Bopsulai  doo to spear carp-fisaffy  too. tegumais spear eet t any fis all ally broke it clean across by jabbing it dooo tom of ttle bag), and tegumai ten to bring any extra spears.

    ty kettle of fisegumai. It ake me o mend this.

    t affy. Let me run back to to give it me.

    Its too far for your little fat legs, said tegumai. Besides, you migo t make t of a bad job.  doook out a little leatrips of leato mend the spear.

    taffy sat dooo, oes in ter and  very s an a you and I dont knoe, isnt it? If he new spear.

    taffy, said tegumai, en old you not to use slang? quot;A; isnt a pretty  it could be a convenience, noion it, if e home.

    Just tranger-man came along t o a far tribe, teand one egumais language. ood on t taffy, because tle girl-daug egumai drew a o mend his spear.

    Come affy. Do you knoewara.

    Silly! said taffy, and samped , because s w use his spear.

    Dont botegumai, so busy   turn round.

    I arent, said taffy. I only  o do  o do, and  understand.

    t botegumai, and  on pulling and straining at th full of loose ends.

    tranger-man--a genuine teaffy s ranger-man t, tamps  at me and s be ter of t noble C t  take any notice of me. So ely than ever.

    Noaffy, I  you to go to my Mummy, because your legs are longer t fall into t hangs over our fireplace.

    tranger-man (and e, ts at me, but I dont understand a  do ly fear t t y Curns- up and ted a big flat piece of bark off a bircree and gave it to taffy.  Beloved, to s

    no  taffy didnt quite understand.

    O my Mummys living-address?

    Of course I cant e, but I can draures if Ive anyto scratcooth off your necklace.

    tranger-man (and e say anytaffy put up tle  tiful bead and seed and sooth necklace round his neck.

    tranger-man (and e, tootootold t if anybody touc  my leave tely s, but t s, and t important Ctends-strictly-to- yet taken any notice of me at all, doesnt seem to be afraid t s. I ter be more polite.

    So affy toot on ummy  to draures, and siful pictures! You can look over my s you mustnt joggle. First Ill draw Daddy fishing.

    It isnt very like  Mummy  looks as if it icking in Daddys back, but ts because toot big enougs t you to fetcure of me myself splaining to you. My  stand up like Ive dra its easier to dra  I cant make you pretty in ture, so you mustnt be fended. Are you fended?

    tranger-man (and e be a big battle going to be fougraordinary cakes my magic soot , is telling me to call all t Cribe to  Ciced me.

    Look, said taffy, dra Daddy s into your  to remind you t youre to bring it. Noill you come to trees (trees), and ts a o a beaver-s in all t dra Ive dras all youll see of t fall in!

    t beyond t isnt as  I cant dras my Mummy outside. Siful. S beautifullest Mummy t s be fended when she sees Ive drawn her so plain. Shell be pleased of me because I can draw.

    No, Ive dra Daddy s outside our Cave. Its inside really, but you sure to my Mummy and s you. Ive made o see you. Isnt it a beautiful picture? And do you quite understand, or shall I splain again?

    tranger-man (and e ture and nodded very o  fetc Cribe to  Cended not to notice me!  urned to me  terrible picture sies. I  ribe.  even ask taffy t raced off into taffy sat do pleased.

    Noure t taffy had drawn for him!

    affy? said tegumai.  to and fro.

    Its a little berangement of my oaffy.

    If you  ask me questions, youll kno it in a little time, and youll be surprised. You dont know how surprised youll be, Daddy! Promise youll be surprised.

    Very egumai, and  on fishing.

    tranger-man--did you knoill quite by accident ese talking to some oto a Primitive lunch.

    taffy es t of tranger-man--aleely and es ed, and c ill tried to be polite.

    As soon as tesure s tranger-man. t once knocked  on eshumai pulled his hair.

    Its as plain as tranger-mans face, suck my tegumai all full of spears, and frigaffy so t ands all on end; and not content , ure of  was done.

    Look! Sure to all tting patiently on tranger-man. egumai icking into o taffys beavers really, but tegumai. Isnt it shocking!

    Most sranger-mans  ing tribal Drums, and called togetribe of tegumai, mans and Dolmans, all Neguses, oons, and Akion, in addition to t, ranger-mans antly lead to taffy.

    By time tranger-man (in spite of being a tee solid  upon ill  understand t sure t t ladylike. ill all tribe of tegumai o taffy making daisy-cegumai carefully spearing small carp h his mended spear.

    ell, you affy. But whis is my surprise. Are you surprised, Daddy?

    Very, said tegumai; but it  tribe is affy.

    And so t of all eseigo tranger-man, ant Co teetmans and offs oons, and Dolmans acs; oons, Neguses, and Akill armed to teetribe in e reindeer-run, and to feudal and prognatitled to er nig serfs,  (Arent tiful  Beloved?). ting, and tened every fisy miles, and tegumai tion.

    teseribe of tegumai took tegumai by top-knot feathers and shook him severely.

    Explain! Explain! Explain! cried all tribe of tegumai.

    Goodness sakes alive! said tegumai. Let go of my top-knot.

    Cant a man break  tryside descending on erfering people.

    I dont believe youve brouger all, said taffy. And o my nice Stranger-man?

    tens till urned round and round.  at taffy.


    t any, said tegumai. My only visitor t you are trying to c you ribe of tegumai?

    ure, said ture t showed you were full of spears.

    Er-um-Praps Id better splain t I gave  picture,

    said taffy, but s feel quite comfy.

    You! said tribe of tegumai all together.

    Small-person--to-be-spanked! You?

    taffy dear, Im afraid tle trouble, said   care.

    Explain! Explain! Explain! said tribe of tegumai, and .

    I ed tranger-man to fetc, said taffy. t lots of spears. t times to make sure. I couldnt  looking as if it stuck into Daddys  room on t Mummy called bad people are my beavers. I drao s tranger-man, and I t tupidest people in taffy. h mud? ash him!

    Nobody said anyt all for a longtime, till tranger-man ( a teribe laug laugesee to all t! ever so often.

    tribe of tegumai cried and said and sang, O Small-person--any-manners-o-be-spanked, youve  upon a great invention!

    I didnt intend to; I only ed Daddys black-handled spear,

    said taffy.

    Never mind. It is a great invention, and some day men  ing. At present it is only pictures, and, as ures are not alood. But a time egumai, y-six of em,--and o e, and tly  any mistakes. Let t of trangers hair.

    I s, said taffy, because, after all, t every single otribe of tegumai, youve forgotten my Daddys black-handled spear.

    taffy dear, t time you e a picture-letter, youd better send a man , to explain  means. I dont mind it myself, because I am a  its very bad for t of tribe of tegumai, and, as you can see, it surprises tranger.

    ted tranger-man (a genuine teeo tribe of tegumai, because leman and did not make a fuss about t t into  from t day to t is all taffys fault), very fetle girls o read or e. Most of to draures and play about  like taffy.

    thERE runs a road by Merrow Down--

    A grassy track to-day it is

    An  of Guildford town,

    Above t is.

    he horse-bells ring,

    t Britons dressed and rode

    to che dark Phoenicians bring

    tern Road.

    And s, t

    to alks and such--

    to barter beads for by jet,

    And tin for gay sorques and such.

    But long and long before t time

    (o roam on it) Did taffy and her Daddy climb

    t down, and .

    t in Broadstone brook

    And made a swamp wands:

    And hears from Shere would come and look

    For taffimai wands.

    t taffy called agai,

    as more times bigger then;

    And all tribe of tegumai

    t a noble figure then!

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