类别:文学名著 作者:吉卜林 本章:HOW THE ALPHABET WAS MADE

    ter taffimai Metallumai (ill call affy, Best Beloved) made t little mistake about ranger-man and ture-letter and all, s carp-fised o stay at o dry on tside t taffy slipped ao e early, and tly so giggle, and  be silly, child.

    But  it inciting! said taffy. Dont you remember  ranger-man looked he mud in his hair?

    ell do I, said tegumai. I o pay t ones o tranger-man for to him.

    e didnt do anytaffy. It he mud.

    e  talk about t, said s have lunch.

    taffy took a marro mousy-quiet for ten  surprise. You make a noise--any sort of noise.

    Aegumai. ill t do to begin h?

    Yes, said taffy. You look just like a carp-fiss mout again, please.

    A be rude, my daughter.

    Im not meaning rude, really and truly, said taffy. Its part of my secret-surprise-t t tooto draw a carp-fish wide-open.

    for? said her Daddy.

    Dont you see? said taffy, scratc tle secret sprise.  t mind--it  a it  of t noise--same as I did in t er.

    Really? said  grotending. Go on, taffy.

    O dra means a carp-fis you knoing in tence carp-fis t of him is drawn).

    means ahis.  (1.)

    ts not bad, said tegumai, and scratc youve forgotten t h.

    But I cant draw, Daddy.

    You neednt dra just trouts  got feelers. Look affy. And his. (2.)

    No. said taffy. ill you understand t?

    Perfectly, said her Daddy.

    And se as sprised ;A;

    Noaffy, very proud.

    Yah! said her Daddy, very loud.

    affy. ts a mixy noise. t is a  t part? Yer- yer-yer and ah! Ya!

    Its very like ts dra of te incited too.

    No. If t. Dra separate. Dra.

    Sides, I tails easiest, said taffy.

    A good notion, said tegumai. quot;ail for this. (4.)

    Ill try noaffy. Member I cant dra do if I just dra part of tail, and ticky-down line for w joins? And shis. (5.)


    ts beautiful, sher noise, Daddy.

    Oh! said her Daddy, very loud.

    ts quite easy, said taffy. You make your moutone. So an egg or a stone .

    You cant alones. ell o scratchis. (6.)

    My gracious! said taffy,  of noise-pictures ail, and egg! Noher noise, Daddy.

    Sso  taffy oo incited to notice.

    ts quite easy, sche bark.

    E? said  I   to be disturbed.

    Its a noise just ts t is t  to be disturbed.  Lets make this. (7.)

    ts anot. tle back-cave . And if you dra on a tree by t me to  most mousy-quiet, so as not to she banks.

    Perfectly true, said tegumai. And taffy, dear, Ive a notion t your Daddys daug upon t t tribe of tegumai took to using seetead of flints for t t of the world.

    affy, and oo ement.

    Ill ss er in tegumai language?

    Ya, of course, and it means river too--like agai-ya--the agai river.

    is bad er t gives you fever if you drink  it--black er--ser?

    Yo, of course.

    Now look, said chis. (8.)

    Carp-tail and round egg. ter,

    said taffy. Course I  drink t er because Id kno was bad.

    But I neednt be near ter at all. I miging, and still--

    And still it  tood t;Gaffy, or youll get fever.quot; All t in a carp-fisail and a round egg! O Daddy,  tell Mummy, quick! and taffy danced all round him.

    Not yet, said tegumai; not till tle further.

    Lets see. Yo is bad er, but So is food cooked on t it? And his. (9.)

    Yes. Snake and egg, said taffy So t means dinners ready.

    If you sa scratcree youd kno ime to come to the Cave. Sod I.

    My inkie! said tegumai. ts true too. But  a minute.  I see a difficulty. SO means quot;come and ; but she drying-poles where we hang our hides.

    affy. I e o ,  it meant dinner, and I came in from t it meant I o wo  would I do?

    Youd be cross. Sod Mummy. e must make a neure for sho.

    e must draty snake t  the plain snake only hisses ssss.

    I couldnt be sure o put in ts, said taffy. And praps if you , and Id t ter draure of te sure.

    Ill put t after this. (10.)

    Praps ts safest. Its very like our drying-poles, anyhow,

    said . Ill say ss tegumai for spear, taffy. And he laughed.

    Dont make fun of me, said taffy, as s of ure-letter and tranger-mans , Daddy.

    e  ime, e draraighis.


    Even Mummy couldnt mistake t for me being killed.

    Please dont, Daddy. It makes me uncomfy. Do some more noises.

    ere getting on beautifully.

    Er-egumai, looking up. ell say s means sky.

    taffy dreopped. e must make a neure for t end sound, mustnt we?

    Ss just like thin.

    tend its a frog t  eaten anything for years.

    N-no, said  in a  mistake it for tself. Sell you tle  to s all this. (12.)

    Os lovely! Mucter taffy, using oot on dra.  on till his. (13.)

    Dont look up, taffy, ry if you can make out  means in tegumai language. If you can, .

    Snake--pole--broken--egg--carp--tail and carp-moutaffy. Ser (rain). Just ts raining.

    as t  to tell me?

    Of course, said old it you  saying a  I?

    ell, I t in a minute, but t raindrop made me quite sure. Ill al is going to rain.quot;  up and danced round  out before I o rain and Id take my beaver-skin  Mummy be surprised?

    tegumai got up and danced. (Daddies didnt mind doing t! More t! he said.

    Spose I ed to tell you it  going to rain muc come doo t egumai-talk first.

    Ser ending. River come to.)  of ne see hem.

    But I do--but I do! said tegumai. Just attend a minute, taffy, and  do any more to-day. eve got s,   teaser. La-la-la and ooth.

    t t la-la, said taffy.

    I kno, but  people in all tried to do it, taffimai!

    ell, said taffy, ya?

    So it does, said tegumai. to-las means t ter in tank for Mummy to cook  oo.

    And s your spear is broken. If Id only t of t instead of draures for tranger!

    La! La! La! said tegumai, waiving ick and frowning. Oher!

    I could e easily, taffy  on. this way! And she drew. (14.)

    tegumai. ts la all over. It isnt like any of this. (15.)

    Now for ya. O before. Now for maru.

    Mum-mum-mum. Mum ss ones mout it? ell drahis. And he drew. (16.)

    t makes Ma-ma-ma! But  taffy?

    It sounds all rougootting out a plank for taffy.

    You mean all s tegumai. And he drew. (17.)

    Xactly, said taffy. But   all teet two.

    Ill only put in one, said tegumai. If to be  ures tter for everybody. And he drew. (18.)

    No it, said tegumai, standing on one leg. Ill draring like fish.

    ter put a little bit of stick or somet eacle, same as if they were carps?

    O, said edly  stopping, on a big ne of birch-bark. (19.)

    Saffy, reading it out sound by sound.

    ts enougo-day, said tegumai. Besides, youre getting tired, taffy. Never mind, dear. ell finis all to- morroer t trees you can see are all chopped up for firewood.

    So t  evening tegumai sat on one side of taffy on togetill egumai, youre affy.

    Please dont mind, said taffy. Its only our  secret-sprise, Mummy dear, and ell you all about it te its done; but please dont ask me  is noell.

    So  carefully didnt; and brig morning tegumai  doo to t neures, and  up ser is ending or running out) cone er-tank, outside the Cave.

    Um, said taffy. ture-sounds are rather!

    Daddys just as good as come old me to get more er for Mummy to cook  to t tank from a bark bucket, and to t ear--t belonged to o pull when she was good.

    No-over sound-pictures,

    said  inciting day of it, and a beautiful lunc, taffy said t as  sound, t of family group of t o dra o dra six or seven times, taffy and tegumai dre scratccill at last t-sound egumai  to affy and tesures partly  happened. (20, 21, 22.)

    Many of tures iful to begin  as till at last even tegumai said  urned to s le  made a t came into tures so often (24); and tures of tegumais for t y, nosy noise, t dreill tired (29); and ture of t for tcy Ka-sound (31); and tures of a little bit of till tures t ted, and t, all complete.

    And after ter ics, and Nilotics, and Cryptics, and Cufics, and Runics, and Dorics, and Ionics, and all sorts of otricks (because tories of tradition ), tandable Alp--A, B, C, D, E, and t of em--got back into its proper s Beloveds to learn whey are old enough.

    But I remember tegumai Bopsulai, and taffimai Metallumai and tese so--a little time ago--on the big agai!

    OF all tribe of tegumai

    t figure, none remain,--

    On Merrohe cuckoos cry

    the sun remain.

    But as turn

    And s unwounded sing again,

    Comes taffy dancing the fern

    to lead the Surrey spring again.

    h bracken-fronds,

    And golden elf-locks fly above;

    as diamonds

    And bluer the skies above.

    In mocassins and deer-skin cloak,

    Unfearing, free and fair ss,

    And ligtle damp-wood smoke

    to ss.

    For far--oh, very far behind,

    So far s call to him,

    Comes tegumai alone to find

    ter t o him.

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